Anime review
“Do It Yourself!!” is a Japanese anime released in 2022 about a girl named Serufu Yua (referred to as “Yua Serufu”) going to a different all-girls high school than her friend Miku Suride (called “Purin” most of the time) and having to make new friends. Serufu is a clumsy person and always gets herself hurt in some way. Serufu decides to join the DIY Club at her school after overhearing about it from the club leader, a third-year student named Rei Yasaku (It should be noted that in Japan, high schools typically have 3 years instead of 4 years, so Rei Yasaku is in her final year of high school), and a staff member at the school talk about it.
The music in the anime reminded me of Animal Crossing. Starting with the fourth episode, most episodes have a naming scheme of “‘DIY’ Means _____” for the title. The ending of the anime is something that could make you cry. This anime is more wholesome than something like the manga for “Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro” or the anime for “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid,” two things I’ve watched and read respectively and two things I like. The anime seems to be in the genre of “yuri,” or “girls’ love,” which focuses on female relationships.
I’d rate the anime a 5 stars and would absolutely recommend it. You can currently watch the series on Crunchyroll or available for purchase on Prime Video. However, there’s no English translation for audio so you’re stuck reading the subtitles
Manga review
Two friends, Serufu and Purin, are split after getting accepted into two different high schools. Serufu and Purin have a broken relationship, and Serufu always dwells on trying to fix it, which leads her to join the DIY Club.
The manga is something I enjoyed reading. It has a few differences from the anime, but it’s not a different plot overall. I enjoyed the manga just as much as the anime, expecting things but also being surprised at what changed between the two. The manga had a wholesome ending. I hope someday that it gets a new addition to the story, even if it’s a whole new series.
The manga is something I enjoyed reading and would recommend, I’d rate this 5 stars. You can read the manga on the Kindle app for $44.85, though you need to buy via the Amazon app or site.
Anime and manga similarities and differences
I’ve noticed a few things different between the manga and the anime:
- The manga and anime are similar in stories, but how things play out and what happens are different in ways.
- Serufu is less of an idiot in the manga than in the anime, though she still gets distracted easily.
- The art styles of manga and anime are different.
- Some character traits are different or how they act is more amplified
Other information
The anime was released in October 2022, and the manga was released in November 2022. The anime finished before the manga, ending on December 22, 2022, and the manga ending on July 11, 2023. There was a live-action adaptation of the anime, but currently there’s nowhere to stream it, so it’s somewhat lost media.