How the Holidays Have Effected COVID Cases and School

How the Holidays Have Effected COVID Cases and School

Emma Gibson

How have the holidays affected school openings? Did people the rules and stay home or did they  just see immediate family? Did COVID cases increase as a result? 

After Thanksgiving, Fitch High School decided to stay closed for two weeks for precautionary reasons. There was a survey sent out to parents asking if they were going to be sending their children back to school for the one week before Christmas break. For the two weeks that Fitch decided to close, the school adopted a new schedule in which the school day starts at 9 instead of 7:30. Students seem to like this schedule a lot better, and teachers feel the same because they feel the students are more lively.  

Over Thanksgiving break, I asked myself some questions. Now that winter break has passed, I can now answer them. As of the start of January, Fitch High School has decided to open back up and continue our hybrid schedule. For the first week the school returned to the early schedule, as first period starts at 7:35 a.m., and our last class ends at 2:00 p.m. Many students prefer the schedule we were on last week when everyone was online, which started at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. From what in my clases on Zoom, I have seen that more kids have decided to go back to school. When I was asking myself those questions, it was during or a little before Thanksgiving break. Due to lack of attendance, Fitch has to close two days prior to Thanksgiving break. However, I don’t see any upcoming issues with attendance. 

Now, as we enter a new year, a lot has happened. COVID cases have increased, but schools are back in session.

Recently, Fitch High School shut down for a week, as there were not enough teachers in school because they had been exposed to COVID. Superintendent Susan Austin’s goal is to eventually get everyone back to school. With this being the goal, will that motivate parents to send their children back?