Amphora and Open Mic Night

Riley Gilliland, Student Life Contributor

Amphora is a club at Fitch High School that “collect[s] the best creative pieces from the school’s Art and English departments,” for the art and literary magazine, says sophomore club president, Jinju Santalucia. The magazine features students’ artwork, poems, short stories, and plays that have been submitted throughout the entire school year. It also showcases the winners of the magazine’s monthly contests such as the “Spooky Story Contest” annually held in October or the Poet Laureate Contest held in the winter. Amphora is also one of the only clubs available at Fitch that “specializes in the arts,” according to Jinju.


This year Amphora has started to host an event called Open Mic Night. It was created by Anna Burt, a member of the IB program and Amphora, for her IB CAS project. Open Mic Night is for students who want to share their musical or writing talents or just be a part of the audience and enjoy the show. According to Jinju Santalucia, the student president of Amphora, the club likes “to keep the event fairly casual so that the participants feel comfortable performing.” The first official Open Mic Night was held on Friday, November 30, 2018, and it was a major success. There was a great turnout for the audience and singers, and refreshments were served afterwards. It was even filmed for Groton Public School’s Channel 19. Since the first Open Mic was such a success, Amphora recently hosted its second Open Mic Night on February 15, 2019. It was an amazing night! There was an abundance of talented singers and performers that night who performed a great number of love songs, following the event’s theme of love. The More Than Words club had also teamed up with Amphora to host their diversity dinner that night and it was a success as well.


Amphora plans to host its third and final Open Mic Night of the year in April and the theme is yet to be decided. Jinju has stated that she hopes that “…open mic nights will continue as an Amphora tradition,” due to it being a “wonderful experience for everyone involved, and [I] would love for future classes to get to experience that.”