Why the Changes to Lunch Waves?

February 28, 2019
As every student knows, the lunch waves at Fitch High School have been changing throughout the school year. For this reason, I interviewed our principal Mr. Arcarese.
When Mr. Acarese was questioned about the lunch waves, I investigated whether or not the old lunch waves will return. He responded, “We constantly check the lunch waves for the amount of kids in the lunch wave.” Also, I discovered that it was to reduce the stress on staff getting their own lunch and ensure everyone has a fair opportunity to eat. There is only a certain amount of students allowed in the cafeteria, as it is a hazard if overfilled. “We had the old lunch waves for 10-15 years,” the lunch waves needed a small adjustment due to the immense amount of students coming to Fitch. Mr. Acarese was also asked a few more questions, such as when did you realise the lunch wave schedule needed to be changed? “First week, second week of school.” Another question I inquired was: what do you think about the lunch waves now? “They are more positive, a lot more quiet, and easy on staff to distribute lunch on time,” After, I asked if he thought there are better ways to improve the lunch waves. He stated, “There is always a better way to improve, there will come a time to pick the best lunch waves. It cannot improve every single year, it depends on the number of students in each lunch wave.” The final question was: do you feel that the lunch change was helpful? He confidently responded, “I do.”