GROTON, Conn. – Last week, Fitch High School’s music department hosted its annual ‘Come Together’ concert in honor of Black History Month.
The concert celebrated Black History Month and featured pieces written by Black artists, such as Mariah Carey, The Jackson Five, and Stevie Wonder. Originally planned for Feb. 6, the event had to be rescheduled to a week later on Feb. 13 due to a snow day cancellation. The concert featured many groups from Fitch High School, including Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, GMS Advanced Choir, VVV (student-lead group), Chamber Group, Choral Union, Men of Chamber, the Honors Jazz Band, and student solos and duets performed by Mariah Williams, Lily Johnson & Bennett White, Zoe Moon & Naomi Richardson, Jayda Scott, and Layla Caramante.
Overall the concert was a success, but there were comments from students concerning the long duration.
“It was okay, but it tended to be longer than expected,” said choir student Chrissa Campos
As for future Fitch concerts and music events, there is planning for the “Pops” concert for some time in May.