GROTON, Conn. – Fitch Holiday Spirit has arrived and there are so many activities that Falcons can participate in throughout December before break, including Fitch Spirit Week which took place between Dec. 18 and 22.
The Class of 2025 started Fitch’s Christmas Tree Decorating Competition began on Dec. 15 during all lunch waves. The class with the most amount of ornaments on the tree wins a donation. Students can purchase an ornament to support their class for $1 and the ornaments will correspond with class colors: white for Freshman, red for Sophomores, gray for Juniors, and black for Seniors.
The Class of 2026, Fitch’s sophomores, is also getting into the holiday spirit. Hot chocolate is being sold every Friday in December for $2 a cup by cart during CTL. Along with hot chocolate, students were able to buy a “Candy Gram” by Fitch’s Key Club. They were sold for $1 on Dec. 18 and 19 during all lunch waves and will be delivered a few days after before winter break.
For the week of Dec. 18, students participated in Spirit Week. The Spirit Week themes included: flannel Monday, candy cane Tuesday, twin PJ Wednesday, Santa hat Thursday and finally ugly sweater/holiday class color Friday.
On the whole, students felt the week was fun, but could have been better.
“[It was] very creative but had weak execution,” said Melanie Fleming, a junior.
“I think it was a 50/50,” agreed junior Syd Post. “I liked Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s but Tuesday’s and Thursday’s could’ve been better.”
Both Fleming and Post agreed that Twin PJ day was their favorite. When asked what holiday event could be added to Fitch’s calendar for next year, Fleming felt a holiday pep rally would be a fun addition.
“There’s a lot more creative input, there’s more people who are speaking out being like ‘that’s dumb’, there’s people who are actually coming up with really great stuff that aren’t a class officer,” said Karl Victorino, treasurer for the junior class. “I’m just optimistic about the future.”
“I think it’s good to see a bunch of high schoolers have good school spirit and be able to express themselves before break,” said Taliyah Mitchel.
“There’s like a lot of events,” said Ella Booc, a singer in the chamber choir and member of the Music Department’s carolers. “There were probably twenty events where we just volunteered.” When asked how these events affect student engagement, she said,“I think it’s very important, especially because the concerts get more people into it, and their love for music.”
A Door Decorating contest is another way the Falcons got into the holiday spirit. First place went to Ms. Estrella’s
room, second place went to Ms. Wolfradt and Ms.Zeberini & Mr.Giovinazzo secured third place.
Going along with getting into the holiday spirit, the Fitch Music Department had multiple holiday concerts for the orchestra, band and chorus.
Even Mr. Higgins embraced the spirit of the season, as evidenced by his leaked Christmas list: teeth from Waterloo, Thomas Jefferson’s hair and Metacom’s hand in a jar.
We at the Falcon Press would like to wish our readers and the entire Fitch family Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.