Studies Say CT Schools Not to Blame for Spike in COVID-19 Rates

Madisyn Morris, Student Correspondent

The rise in coronavirus positivity rate since the end of summer/beginning of fall serves as no surprise to Connecticut residents. COVID-19 cases all over the country have been on a continuous climb since August and September. Only recently (in January) has the rate of infection dropped.

WFSB news writes a daily update of COVID-19 and its impacts on Connecticut. On January 4th WFSB News reported that “Out of 85,344 tests administered, 4,516 came back positive. That results in a positivity rate of 5.29%”(WFSB). At the beginning of September, the beginning of the CT academic school year, the positivity rate was about 1.2%. Although WFSB has not recorded data since Jan. 4th, the website FOX61 has, and reports that, as of February 4th, the positivity rate has dropped to 3.14%. 

While it may be easiest to blame high COVID-19 rates on Connecticut schools, there is little to no factual evidence supporting the claim. Most data shows no direct link between the increase in cases and the reopening of schools; many studies concluded that the virus is not being transmitted through students and school staff. 

Connecticut’s education commissioner has encouraged schools to remain open as, “One thing the department has learned, according to the reports, is that student and faculty infections are happening outside of school buildings” (Watson, Only time will tell the answers to many of these questions, predominant among them being: Will the positivity rate continue to climb, and how long will COVID-19 affect our education system?